Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Tennis session today at TP from 10am -12pm...
Still recovering from my wrist injury dunno get it from where since Jan.
Anthony bought a new racket cost $240, everyone wanted to see his new racket but he was late.
Hit by the tennis ball when i miscue the ball into my left eye.
The impact was big ... PAIN!
Sat for awhile to rest my eye then continue with the tennis game again.
Cannot get the right feel today... no feel means no great game.
Then the rain start to come in, luckily we finish our game and went to Mensa2(canteen) to have our lunch.
Then yuen told me my eye got blood... then i start to realize my eye also feel pain..
Bo chap continue to eat my lunch, eat 2 deserts and 1 Chix cutlet rice (not bad)....

Looking forward to next Tennis Session.